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Eagle Dynamics The Fighter Collection


12. Introduction and navigation
13. AN/APG-63 Pulse Doppler radar
14. Programmable Armament Control Set and Tactical Electronic Warfare System
15. M61A1 Vulcan cannon and AIM-9 Sidewinder
16. AIM-120/AIM-7 Auto Acquisition Modes and Home on Jam

12. Introduction and navigation

1. Welcome to your familiarization flight in the F-15C Eagle. The legendary Eagle is one of the world's most successful fighter aircraft with an unmatched win to loss air combat record. To pause the mission at any time, press the PAUSE key.
2. The Eagle is an all weather,day and night air superiority fighter that is powered by twin Pratt and Whitney PW-220 afterburning turbofan engines, each rated at 23,830 pounds of static thrust.
3. This bird is capable of reaching speeds in excess of Mach 2.5 with a service ceiling of over 60,000 feet.
4. In this lesson, you'll learn about the Heads Up Display (HUD), the front panel gauges, and how to navigate.
5. Starting with the HUD, you can see that it is quite similar to the HUD in the A-10.So, we'll go over the basics pretty quickly.
6. In the center of the HUD is the Velocity Vector and the pitch ladder, on the left side is the airspeed scale, and on the right side is the altitude scale. The heading tape is along the top of the HUD with a small inverted caret indicating your current magnetic heading in relation to the scale. This is where the similarities end though.
7. In the center of the HUD is a "W" shaped waterline s symbol that represents the longitudinal axis of that aircraft.
This indicates where the nose is pointed. The distance between the waterline the velocity vector is the aircraft's angle of attack.
8. Above the waterline but below the heading scale is the gun cross which is positioned two degrees above the waterline; it will appear when the weapons are active.
9. Below the airspeed scale is the G indication, and below the altitude scale is the navigation data block that displays information regarding your steerpoint and navigation mode.
10. Now we'll move down to the instrument panel. Five basic instruments are required to keep the blue side up when you can't see anything out the canopy. These five instruments are the ADI, the HSI, Altimeter, Airspeed Indicator, and the Vertical Velocity Indicator. Because these are the same as reviewed in the A-10, I'll not repeat myself here.
11. An additional instrument on the panel is the angle of attack indicator that displays the current angle of attack in units from 0 to 45. An index mark is set at the critical angle of attack of 22 units. Below this is the accelerometer, or G-meter.
12. Next are the engine tachometers that indicate engine power as a percentage of maximum RPM. The red band indicates use of afterburner.
Below the engine RPM gauges are the engine temperature gauges that indicate turbine inlet temperature in increments of 100 degrees Celsius.The red band indicates the over-temperature zone.
Continuing down the panel are the fuel flow gauges that measure fuelflow to the engines in pounds of fuel per hour.
Note the use of afterburner can radically increase fuel flow.
Next are the exhaust nozzle position indicators that show how open or closed the engine exhaust cans are. These gauges show the position as a percentage of being completely open at 100.
13. To the right of the engine instruments is the fuel quantity indicator that displays remaining fuel in the internal and external fuel tanks. Fuel is measured in thousands of pounds.
14. Let's now take a look at navigation data displayed on the HUD. On the navigation data block, the data is formatted into three lines.
The first line shows the waypoint number acting as the steerpoint and the operating mode. You can cycle the waypoints by pressing the ~ (tilde) key.
The second line shows the distance in nautical miles to the steerpoint.
The bottom line indicates the estimated time remaining to reach the steerpoint.
15. Also on the HUD, we have the integrated flight director cross. This provides you with pitch and roll steering guidance to place you on the course track line. To use this, simply maneuver the aircraft to keep the cross centered in the HUD.
16. This concludes this lesson. You can now press the ESC key to take control and practice navigation using the loaded flight plan.

13. AN/APG-63 Pulse Doppler radar

1. In this training lesson you'll learn how to use the AN/APG-63 pulse doppler radar to acquire, lock and engage airborne targets. The APG-63 combines long-range acquisition and attack capabilities with a set of automatic lock features that provide instant information and computations needed during air-to-air combat.
At any time in this mission you can press the PAUSE key to pause the mission.
2. The APG-63 has two long range search modes:Range While Search (RWS)and Track While Scan (TWS. .Once a target is locked (or bugged. , it can be either a Single Target Track (STT)or a Designated Track While Scan (DTWS). The radar-derived data is then displayed on the Heads Up Display (HUD) or the Vertical Situation Display, or VSD.Using this information you can engage targets with the AIM-7M "Sparrow" medium range semi-active radar guided missile or the AIM-120B or C Advanced Medium Range Air to Air (AMRAAM).
3. First, we need to turn on the radar by pressing the I key and then enter RWS mode by pressing the 2 key.This will change the data and HUD and VSD to support Beyond Visual Range , or BVR, mode.
Now we'll call up an AIM-7missile by pressing the D key until 7M is indicated as ready (RDY.on the Programmable Armament Control Set (PACS.and boxed. You will also notice 7M indicated here on the HUD.
4. On the VSD we can see the sweeping radar antenna azimuth caret and scale with limit circles indicating 60 degrees off the centerline or 120 degrees for a full sweep.We can change the azimuth scan by pressing the Right CTRL and + or - keys together and switch between a 30 and 60 degrees of antenna azimuth sweep. 60 degrees provides a winder search area, but 30 degrees will provide us faster updates.
5. On the left side of the VSD is the antenna elevation caret and scale. The circles beside the elevation scale represent the radar beam coverage and displays the maximum and minimum altitudes being scanned in thousands of feet. The elevation scan volume can be raised or lowered by pressing the Right Shift and ; or . keys together.
If a target is significantly above you or below you, you will need to adjust the scan elevation to detect it.
The caret along the scale indicates the four bar scan in the radar's raster search pattern.
6. The number in the upper right corner of the VSD is the selected display range and it can be cycled by pressing the + and - keys. The VSD has a minimum display range of 10 nautical miles and a maximum display range of 160 nautical miles.
7. The aircraft's True Air Speed (TAS.is displayed in the bottom right hand corner and the aircraft's Ground Speed (GS.is displayed in the bottom left corner.
8. Above the ground speed indication is the current radar Pulse Repetition Frequency, or PRF.This can be cycled between HI, MED and Interleaved by pressing the Right Shift and I keys together. HI is the most long ranged and is best suited for high closure targets. MED has lesser range but is best suited for low closure rate targets. Interleaved alternates the PRF between HI and MED. To the left of the PRF indication is the current bar in the four bar raster scan pattern.
9. In the center of the VSD is an artificial horizon line and the slewable Target Designation Cursor, or TDC. You can slew the TDC by pressing the , . / and ; keys. By slewing the TDC to either the very top or the bottom of the VSD you can also change VSD display range. Moving the TDC up and down on the VSD will also change the elevation scale volume because the radar beam acts as a cone, and the further out it goes, the greater it expands. The TDC gives you a good idea of the volume of space that the radar is covering.
10. A solid horizontal bar on the VSD indicates a hostile radar contact. A small circle symbol indicates a friendly contact. Older "hits" will gradually fade away.
11. I'll slew the TDC over the hostile target and press the ENTER key to lock it up in Single Target Track, or STT, mode. To unlock the target, you can press the BACKSPACE key.
12. We're now in Pre-Launch mode and all the radar energy is being focused on that one locked target. This target is our Primary Designated Target, or PDT, and the radar is providing us information on its airspeed, aspect angle, and heading displayed in the upper left corner of the VSD. The PDT appears as a star with a line from it indicating its flight vector.
13. The PDT's altitude is next to the arrow on the elevation scale and our closure rate is tracking down the Dynamic Launch Zone (DLZ.scale caret. For the best chance of success, we want the DLZ caret to be inside the bracket no escape zone.
Below the bottom of the DLZ is the target's range. To the left of that is the heading for target intercept, and the left of that is estimated missile impact time. The Non-Cooperative Target Recognition (NCTR.interrogation is calling the target an IL-76 transport.
14. On the HUD, the Target Designation (TD.box is showing the location of the PDT and the Allowable Steering Error (ASE)circle with an angle off indicator line is telling us which direction the target is heading.If a friendly target is locked, the TD box will have an X through it.
We want to fly the aircraft to place the Steering Dot inside the ASE circle.
Note that the missile DLZ from the VSD is also mirrored on the HUD.
When the AIM-7 is in range, a triangle appears below the TD box.
15. Press Right ALT and the SPACE bar together to launch the missile.
The flashing Time To Intercept (TTI)"T" indication at the bottom of the HUD will now count down to zero at estimated missile intercept. For an AIM-7, you must keep the target locked the entire time of missile flight.
16. We'llnow select an AIM-120 by pressing the D key. Note the 120C selection indicated here on the PACS and the HUD.
17. I'll increase the range of my radar scan by pressing the + key and I'll select Track While Scan (TWS)mode by pressing Right ALT and the I key together.
18. Unlike RWS mode, we have target vector lines and altitude indications on each detected target.
I will use the , . / and ; keys to slew the TDC over a target and then press the ENTER key once to bug it in Designated Track While Scan (DTWS)mode.
19. I will now bug the second target and this becomes my Secondary Designated Target (SDT. , indicated by the hollow box. As this is my first SDT, it has a 1 next to it.
20. Using the AIM-120 and bugging multiple targets this way, I can now launch and guide AIM-120s on multiple targets simultaneously.
When an AIM-120 is in range,a star symbol appears below the TD box.
In the bottom right corner of the HUD is the M timer and this indicates the time until the AIM-120 would go active. Like the AIM-7, pressing Right ALT and SPACE bar together launches the missile.
21. This concludes this lesson on using the radar and radar-guided missiles.

14. Programmable Armament Control Set and Tactical Electronic Warfare System

1. Welcome to the F-15C training mission on the Programmable Armament Control set, or PACS, and the Tactical Electronic Warfare System, or TEWS. The PACS displays the weapon inventory onboard the aircraft and the TEWS receives and displays radar emitting threats.
Press the PAUSE key to pause the mission at any time.
2. We'll begin with the PACS and review its information. Starting at the top, the external fuel tank stations are listed left, center, and right. If the station has an external fuel tank loaded on it, it will indicate FUEL. If not, it will indicate PYLON.
3. In the upper left corner of the PACS is number of gun round remaining. In this case it is 940.
In the upper right portion of the PACS, the number of remaining Chaff (CHF)and Flares (FLR)is listed.
4. Along the right side of the PACS is the AIM-9 seeker coolant status. When an AIM-9 is onboard and an air-to-air mode is selected, this will indicate COOL. In the lower left corner of the PACS is the SCAN indication. This will be visible when the AIM-9 is selected and it's in scanning mode (6 key).
5. The primary function of the PACS is to display missile inventory and status. The PACS display represents a top-down view of the aircraft wing form. The various stations are then represented on this diagram.
6. Two types of weapons can be selected, Medium Range Missiles (MRM.and Short Range Missiles (SRM. . You can cycle the weapon type by selecting the D key.
When an MRM is selected, its status on the PACS will be shown as Ready (RDY). If not RDY, it will be in standby (STBY)mode.MRM missiles include the AIM-7M, AIM-120B and AIM-120C.
When an SRM missile is selected, its status will change from SRM to RDY. SRM missiles include the AIM-9P and the AIM-9M.
7. The TEWS systems is centered on the ALR-56C Radar Warning Receiver (RWR.that provides electronic detection and identification of both surface and airborne radar emitters.
In addition to the RWR, the system also includes chaff and flare dispensers and an integrated Electronic Countermeasure (ECM.system. To release chaff to decoy radar guided threats, press the Insert key.
To release flares to decoy infrared-guided threats, press the Delete key.
To turn on ECM, pres the E key. It will take 15 seconds for the ECM to become active, but when it does, it will reduce the range at which enemy radars can lock you up.
8. The RWR can distinguish different radar emitter modes: Search, Lock, and Launch.These each have different audio and visual cues from the TEWS. The RWR will also provide bearing information to the emitter and its type.
9. Looking at the display scope, our aircraft is represented as the central cross and radar emitters are displayed around it from a top down view.The closer the emitter is to you, the closer its icon will be to the center of the display.
10. We have detected several radar emittersincluding an A-50"Mainstay" AWACS aircraft that appears as a50 symbol behind us (below the cross. . When a symbol has an inverted caret above it, it indicates that it is an airborne emitter. The 50 indicates the emitter type.
We also have an SD symbol ahead of us that indicates a "Snow Drift" acquisition radar for an SA-11 SAM site.
A complete list of emitter symbols can be found in the flight manual.
11. The last detected emitter will have a hemisphere hat on top of its symbol and the highest threat emitter will have a diamond around it.
12. If the display becomes too cluttered with symbols, you can declutter it by pressing Right Shift and R to only show emitters that are either in lock or launch mode.

15. M61A1 Vulcan cannon and AIM-9 Sidewinder

1. Welcome to the gun and AIM-9 training mission for the F-15C. In this lesson you'll learn to employ the M61A1 Vulcan 20 mm cannon and the AIM-9 Sidewinder heat seeking missile. These two weapons will be your bread and butter for knife fights.
Press the PAUSE key at anytime to pause the mission.
2. Let's start with the gun. We've got 940 rounds of PGU-38 loaded as indicated on the PACS.
There are multiple drone aircraft up ahead that we'll practice on.
3. We'll bring up Air-to-Air mode by pressing the 2 key and then press the C key to action the gun.
4. Pressing the I key turns on the radar, and that we will allow us to use the Lead Computing Optical Sight (LCOS).
5. With the radar on and the gun actioned, we simply need to maneuver the aircraft to place the target near the gun reticle to initiate an automatic radar lock between 500 feet and 10 nautical miles.
6. Now that the radar has lock on, we have a Target Designation (TD.box over it and an active LCOS reticleattached by a line to the gun cross.
7. We'll nowfly the aircraft to place the pipper over the target. As we close on the target, the range bar will unwind.When it passes the maximum range dot, we know we're in range to fire.
8. The small line coming from the pipper indicates the target's flight direction. A useful tactic is to place the target on the line between the gun cross and the pipper, and pull the pipper onto the target. Use short, one second bursts to destroy it.
9. Now we'll learn about the Sidewinder employment modes without the use of the radar.
I'll press the 6 key to place us in AIM-9 boresight mode. As you see on the PACS, we have 9M selected.
10. In boresight mode, we have a small reticle on the HUD that indicates exactly where the AIM-9 seeker is looking.We also hear a low growling tone, indicating that the AIM-9 seeker is looking but not really seeing anything. The AIM-9 is an infrared-guided missile, so it is rather short ranged and locks best when you can get behind your target.
11. Maneuver the aircraft to place the boresight reticle over the target, and when you get the high-pitched lock tone you can press Right ALT and SPACE bar together to launch the missile.
Next, we'll use an AIM-9 in SCAN mode so that the seeker will track the target, even when you maneuver off it. Press the 6 key a second time to enter SCAN mode. You'll also see this indicated on the PACS.
12. In this mode, we have a larger area the seeker can search for a target, represented by the larger reticle.
13. As with boresight mode, fly to place the target in the reticle and let the seeker find it and lock the target. When it does, you'll get a lock tone and the search reticle will be removed leaving just the small locked reticle. Press Right ALT and SPACE bar together to launch the missile.
14. That concludes this lesson on using the gun and the AIM-9 without radar slaving.

16. AIM-120/AIM-7 Auto Acquisition Modes and Home on Jam

1. Hello and welcome to this mission in which we'll discuss radar auto-acquisitions modes, the Home On Jam (HOJ.mode, the FLOOD mode for the AIM-7, and the VISUAL mode for the AIM-120.
Press the PAUSE key at any time to pause the mission.
2. In addition to the automatic gun lock mode, the radar also has a Radar Boresight and Vertical Scan auto-acquisition modes that are useful out to 10 nautical miles.
3. Let's first press the 4 key to enable Radar Boresight mode and this will also automatically turn on the radar.
As you can see, an AIM-120 is cued up and the radar is scanning along the boresight reticle for a target. Maneuver to place a target in the reticle and the radar will automatically lock it up.
4. With the target locked and the TD box showing on the HUD, press Right ALT and the SPACE bar together to launch the missile.
5. With AIM-120 still selected, we'll take a look at launching an AIM-120 in VISUAL mode.
When an AIM-120 is selected and you are in BVR mode by pressing the 2 key, a dashed 12 degree reference circle appears on the HUD and VISUAL is displayed in the bottom right corner of the HUD.If you place a target in the reference circle that is within 8 nautical miles, the missile will use its onboard radar seeker to lock it up and intercept it. This can be a quick way to get off a shot without first getting a radar lock.
6. Next is the Vertical Scan auto-acquisition mode. This mode is most useful in a turning fight with the target along your lift vector.
Press the 3 key to activate it and then press the D key to cycle to an AIM-9 Sidewinder.
7. When in Vertical Scan mode, the radar scans from 5 to 55 degrees vertically and 7.5 degrees in azimuth. You can see this here in the VSD.
On the HUD, we now have a vertical line extending to the top of the HUD that is representative of the scan pattern. We want to maneuver the aircraft to place the target near this line to lock it up automatically.
8. I'll now press the D key to select an AIM-7 and the 6 key to select boresight mode so we can take a look at FLOOD mode.
Unlike the AIM-120 that has its own radar seeker, the AIM-7 needs reflected energy from your radar off the target to guide on. In FLOOD mode, we simply keep the target within the 12 degree FLOOD reference reticle on the HUD and launch the missile. Note that you'll need to keep the target within the reticle the entire time of missile flight. This is a useful AIM-7 mode because you don't need a radar lock.
9. Let's now take a look at Home On Jam mode that allows you to fire a missile that will home in on the emissions of a target's electronic countermeasure device. To do so, I'll enter BVR mode by pressing the 2 key first. You can use both the AIM-7 and AIM-120 in HOJ mode.
On the VSD, you can see that we have a vertical series of bars. This indicates a jamming strobe along that azimuth.
10. To lock up the strobe, position the TDC over the strobe and press the ENTER key to lock it passively. When you do so, you get an Angle On Jam indication at the bottom of the VSD, a line through the strobe, and an HOJ indication on the HUD.
11. Because the target is jamming our radar, we don't have any range data. So, we have to use our best judgment to decide when to firebased on the selected missile.
12. This concludes this lesson.