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DCS World 2.7
F-14 Tomcat
Uploaded by - Applevangelist
Date - 09/25/2020 12:15:55
Multiplayer endless mission for the Syria map.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 8.6 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1311
  • Comments: 12
DCS World 2.7
F-14 Tomcat
Uploaded by - Applevangelist
Date - 01/16/2021 16:44:22
Multiplayer endless mission set on the popular Caucaus Map. Engage RedFor North of the Elbrus with Artillery, Planes, Helicopters. Set in a Winter Scene.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 3 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1382
  • Comments: 17
Any version
A-10C II Tank Killer
Uploaded by - Invisibull
Date - 10/14/2020 23:56:00
Russian and Syrian armored and air defense ground forces, which have grown increasingly hostile to Turkey over the last few weeks,  have begun moving between Syria and Damascus along the DAMASCUS ALEPPO INTERNATIONAL WAY HIghway.  (DAIW)

Intel analysis suggests the movement may very well indicate a planned cross border offensive into the Taftanaz airport sector in SW Turkey.  


SHELL:  TACAN=2X, Preset 2 VHF/135 am @ 15,000'  KC135  OPERATING NEAR HATAY

ARCO: TACAN=3X, PRESET 3 VHF/136AM @20,000 KC135

•    AWACS

BULLSEYE: Center of target area.  

You may generate up to 15 randomized convoys via the F10/other menu.  

Look for this mission to be updated as feedback starts to come in.  
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 1.71 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1003
  • Comments: 0
DCS World 2.5
Uploaded by - Chopper A-10
Date - 09/10/2018 00:54:16
Operation Name:    Knockout
Mission:                Air Strike on Iranian Senior Military Officer Meetings
Target Area:        Hormozgan Province, Iran
Objectives:        Bomb Iranian Senior Military Staff Meeting Locations <br /><br />

These high-level meetings are taken place in several locations within the cities of Charak and Jenah.  Both of these cities are small and meeting locations are set among the local homes and businesses so not to draw attention.  Iranian ground forces are present; we have JTAC personnel in place to confirm that all parties are present before the strike command is given.
<br /><br />
Intel confirmed that military build-up, sale of oil and the development of nuclear, biological, chemical delivery systems will be key items covered in these meetings.  
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 6.83 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1219
  • Comments: 2
DCS World 2.5
Type - Mod
Uploaded by - Particleman
Date - 06/05/2020 19:54:28
Squadron briefing room for use in multiplayer missions. Support up to 25 pilots in one room with synced briefings.

Just place a new heli, make sure to set it to client, pick the livery if you have a custom one or pick from one of the two we provide and that's it. Fire up the server and you should see the 25 slots that pilots can join into.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 256.42 Mb
  • Downloaded: 2677
  • Comments: 50
DCS World 2.5
P-47D Thunderbolt
Uploaded by - Kestrel Ironworks
Date - 06/08/2020 21:36:10
1st May 1944

THE BIG SHOW - 404th Fighter Group

Today is the day gentlemen.

We are tasked with performing a shallow penetration mission into france. The first time for our squadron, in a few weeks time this sort of thing would be considered routine but at this time it was  a pretty big deal. The 1st of may marked a turning point for the allied air offensive, flights tripled and bombing raids intensified.

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 40.78 Mb
  • Downloaded: 362
  • Comments: 5
DCS World 2.5
AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL
Uploaded by - Jaguar 1-1 | ANT
Date - 03/21/2019 16:34:52
This mission is a Falklands War 1982 sandbox, where Argentina has fully established the occupation of the Falkland Islands. British forces are at pre landing / early landings stage of operations. Ships and ground units are roughly in correct historical positions around the battle zone. It has an analogous layout, including unit types and names, obviously limited by the map and assets currently available in DCS World.

Most major combatant units are represented for both sides (so far as DCS can allow) such as ships helicopters, planes, ground units, AA, SAMs, vehicles and missiles. The layout of the Falkland Islands is portrayed using the east coast of Crimea and the Taman Peninsula of Russia, the Kerch Strait therefore plays the role of the Falkland Sound which is the sea divide between the east and west Falklands islands. Basic way-points take client aircraft to the key objective airfields only, as the area of operations is small.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 236.96 Kb
  • Downloaded: 1236
  • Comments: 15
DCS World 2.5
A-10C Warthog
Uploaded by - BlackHat23vEW
Date - 03/24/2020 06:32:35
PG Multiplayer Coop Hog and Viper mission (CSAR, HELO ESCORT, CAP, CAS, STRIKE)
4x A-10C Player Slots (4 @ Qeshm Island CSAR)
8x F-16C Player Slots (4 @ Qeshm CAS/ESCORT, 4 @ Khasab CAP)
2x UH-1H Khasab (CSAR)
Scripted JSTARS Support - presents in mission in the form of on screen text updates
Scripted AI Rescue Helos (2x UH60) standby waiting for A-10C pilots to clear them in
Scripted Effects (rocket fuel for ballistic missiles)
Common WP for Hog & Viper (coord)
Scripted Commands for AI - / 'other' menu:
-- calls in Rescue Helos (12 Mins),
-- have downed pilot pop smoke
Scripted Pilot Rescue (If friendly UH60 reaches downed pilot and pilot is alive, pilot boards helo and helo returns to base)
AWACS - 251 MHz
Downed Pilot Beacon - 245 MHz (functional for A-10C ADF)
Enemy Forces:  Infantry, Mortars, Vehicles, AAA, SAMs, Enemy Air (jets and helos), Ballistic Missile sites fueling up (Silkworms filling the role), convoys
Mission Success Criteria - Friendly UH60 returns pilot safely.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 22.05 Mb
  • Downloaded: 524
  • Comments: 3
DCS World 2.5
AJS-37 Viggen
Operation Sirloin
Uploaded by - JaneyBananey
Date - 09/25/2019 23:11:37
This is a three-player Viggen ship strike mission! You'll be supported by two wingmen, and using your RB-04 missiles, you are tasked with inflicting heavy losses on Soviet shipping off the coast of Sweden (here played by a part of the Southern Russian coast.) My wingman and I came up with this mission in a very short span to train radar masking and low-altitude flight, and then invented a plot to go with it. You'll be taking off from and landing at a road base. There's also a short summary of the plot we came up with for this file specifically. Training outcomes: CK 37 data input, CK 37 new waypoint creation, terrain flying, RB-04 missile study, ground SAM evasion. This mission was originally designed to be used with German skins my wingman made. If there is enough demand for them, we will upload them here.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 19.04 Kb
  • Downloaded: 238
  • Comments: 0
DCS World
Uploaded by - BrunoDerRabe
Date - 09/12/2013 20:26:38
This is a mission wich has ``grown`` with the game over years. There`s some action taking place to make it a ``living`` world - without forcing the player to shot a single shot - but certainly there are things to do.
This mission allows you to host a multiplayer game - even if you want to play alone (for testing or whatever).

A-10A, A-10C, ASJ-37 Viggen, AV-8B, Bf 109-K4, C-101EB, Christen Eagle II, F-5E-3, F-14B, F-15C, F16C Viper bl.52d, F-86F, Fw 190 D-9, I-16, KA-50, L-39 ZA, M-2000C, Mi-8MTV2, MiG-15bis, MiG-19P, MiG-21Bis, MiG-29(A) , MiG-29G,
MiG-29S(C), P-51D-25-NA, SA342Mistral, Spitfire LF Mk. IX, Su-25, Su-25T, Su-27, Su-33, TF-51D, UH-1H, Yak-52

are now all accessible for the player pilots. There`s often a start from ramp or turning point for the flyable aircrafts avaible.
The .miz files contains all the information added to the mission with the missionseditor - it is the mission file.
It is/can/should be saved in C:\Users\***\Saved Games\DCS\Missions
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 991.27 Kb
  • Downloaded: 11389
  • Comments: 8