Updated RWR threat information for the Gazelle kneeboard

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SA342 Gazelle

Updated RWR threat information for the Gazelle kneeboard

Type - Document
Uploaded by - GORNYAK
Date - 11/16/2020 04:05:15
I have updated the threat information for the Gazelle kneeboard. The information is relevant for all aircrafts (except M2000C). On Gazelle, some of these aircraft may be designated as "U", such as JF17.
If you have any comments, please tell me and I will correct them.

P.S. M2000 has its own separate character sheet from developers.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 154.47 Kb
  • Downloaded: 699
  • Comments: 0